About Us
Founded in 1904, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is an international boarding school with around 220 boarding and 120 day school students ages 12 to 19. The ” Spirit of Zuoz ” defines the school philosophy and conveys values that create a balance between a strong sense of tradition and progressive thinking.
What makes us stand out
The philosophy of our school conveys not only traditional values but also a modern cosmopolitanism, which forms a unique basis for mastering future challenges. The focus is on personal character development and student-centred learning:
- Critical thinking, academic curiosity and leadership skills
- Sense of responsibility and community service
- Respect and tolerance for other cultures
- Creativity and global networking
Openness to the world and tolerance are the cornerstones of our international community of more than 45 nations. Most students speak three to four languages, and the academic programmes have an international focus.
Academic programmes
Taught in German:
Swiss Matura
Bilingual diplomas:
Bilingual Swiss Matura German/English
Swiss Matura “Maturità Bilingue Grigionese” Italian/German
Taught in English:
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme(IBDP)
Philosophy & History
The school’s mission statement was revised and further developed in the 2018/2019 school year with the cooperation of students, parents, teachers, staff and board members.
- The Spirit of Zuoz
- Educational and personal development goals
- Chronicle
Located in the upper part of the village of Zuoz, the campus features spacious facilities and has its own sports fields and breathtaking views. The quiet location with its beautiful natural backdrop provides students with an optimal learning environment.
- Facts and figures
- Virtual tour
- Campus map
Who is who
Questions, requests or suggestions? Here you will find the individual contact details sorted according to department.
- School administration
- Teaching staff
- Admissions
- Board of Directors
Job openings
Are you looking for a new challenge and would you like to help shape and impact the lives and learning of our students? Check out our current vacancies and apply online.
- Vacancies
- Application
Zuoz Club
Founded in 1923, the Zuoz Club is the association of Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz’s former students. At present, the Club has over 2500 members from 57 countries and is divided into about 20 regional groups worldwide. The members are given the unique opportunity, regardless of geographical distance or nationality, to maintain lifelong relationships that began at Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz.
Beyond the boarding school walls, we work with many indispensable partners from the Engadine, Switzerland and abroad. They foster our school community, promote its development and support us with their services.
- InnHub La Punt
- Spotlight Switzerland
- University of St. Gallen
- Service providers in the Engadine
Well-informed and always up-to-date. Here you will find all publications of Lyceum Alpinum.
- Zuoz newspaper
- Annual reports
- Press releases about Lyceum Alpinum
News & Contact
Would you like more information about our learning culture, history or school in general? Of course, we are always available for you by phone or email.