Campus Winter Photographer Benjamin Hofer © Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

Welcome to Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

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Nature and education, the perfect synergy

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Discover your talents in a lively school community

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Sports nurture team spirit and fair play

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Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz. Bild Mayk Wendt

International or Swiss academic programmes

Academic programmes

Inter­na­tional Boarding School in Switzerland

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The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

More about us

is one of the most traditional international boarding schools in Switzerland, with a main focus on academic success and personal development. Our school community, where students feel valued, safe and secure, is based on trust, honesty and empathy. Students are encouraged to develop their interests and creativity, and to courageously seek their own path.


Total students




Average class size


Teacher student ratio

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International School Zuoz Lyceum summer-new-DroneFootage-15

Personal and academic growth

About 220 boarding and 120 day students aged 12 to 19 from over 45 nations come together at the campus in the Engadine to embody the Spirit of Zuoz. The holistic education at Lyceum Alpinum promotes intellectual, personal and physical development. Our students are supported by our dedicated and experienced team, who help them prepare for the challenges of the future.

A warm welcome

to the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, where for 120 years young people have been inspired and challenged in a caring environment characterised by the values of Fair Play”. 

Our school exists for the purpose of the personal development of young people, developing their sense of responsibility, their intellectual, physical and moral growth. For 120 years our traditions have ensured a caring environment, where the individual needs of all students are understood and met, and the development of a sense of collective responsibility and community is paramount. 

When you visit campus you will see our students and staff engaged in challenging learning both in and outside of the classroom. You will see our students and staff both smiling and focused, as they grapple with intellectual challenges. Visitors will see our students learn to appreciate the beauty and rewards of hard-work, as they develop the attributes to manage both success and challenge, on sports fields and ski slopes, in classrooms and on ice rinks. In short, you will see and feel the famous Spirit of Zuoz”.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school soon, so that you too may experience the Spirit of Zuoz”.

Oliver Hartwright
Head of School

an R

What Sets Us Apart

First-Class Education

The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz offers a range of diplomas to prepare students for college opportunities: the Swiss Matura, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). It maintains excellent relations with other institutions and collaborates with external partners in a variety of projects. Digital Learning Labs, Start-up Challenges, Robotics, International Awards, Student Leadership and Connected Learning are some of the terms that characterise the educational concept and curriculum.

Global & Local

The commitment to cultural diversity and study of languages together with international opportunities from the student body and other long-standing relationships create a unique basis for a cosmopolitan world view, a keen eye for the Global Goals Competition and pave the way for an internationally successful future. At the same time, the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz has been firmly rooted in the local village and valley for many years and is networked and positioned in local community, culture and business.

Spectacular Nature

Skiing, snowboarding, cricket, ice hockey: Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz not only offers a wide range of sports and professional training facilities, it is also surrounded by crystal clear mountain streams, green meadows, lakes, an impressive Alpine panorama and first-class ski slopes. Sport, exercise in the fresh air and good health are the best conditions for all students to develop their potential. The experience of nature, environmental commitment, research projects, and the observation of indigenous animals are some of the things that distinguish our school.


The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz attaches particular importance to the careful and respectful treatment of students and adults. The school forms a strong community in which all members feel at home and assume responsibility and practise its values. At the same time, the valley in which the school is located offers a safe and secure environment in which young people can learn autonomously and freely.


45 cultures, many languages languages and the rich diversity of the students’ origins strengthen students’ language development through daily interaction. Also, the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz promotes and encourages language development through multilingual diplomas and external projects with international universities, companies and business partners.

Social Responsibility

You do not learn involvement in the world by reading about it in schoolbooks. The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz has set itself the task of making it possible for future generations to experience the social responsibility that awaits them when they leave. In volunteer programs, pupils travel to disadvantaged areas, develop solutions, help with social projects on-site and experience sustainability and solidarity first-hand.

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Academic Programmes

Most of our students speak three to four languages fluently. Global thinking and cosmopolitanism are reflected in our teaching and leisure activities. High academic standards are a prerequisite. After leaving school, our students attend college in Switzerland as well as renowned colleges or universities around the world and assume active roles in society.

Swiss Matura

  • The classic Swiss educational Path
  • Enables access to all universities in Switzerland as well as to international universities
  • Also as a bilingual Swiss Matura German/English or Italian/German
More about Swiss Matura


  • International General Certificate of Secondary Education
  • Intermediate level programme recognised worldwide
  • Ideal preparation for entering one of the two IB programs
More about IGCSE

IB Diploma Programme

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
  • Internationally recognized school certificate
  • Appreciated at many universities, business schools or technical colleges
More about IBDP

German Intensive Year

  • Preparatory programme to gain entry to the Swiss Matura
  • Full immersion with German-speaking students in curricular, co-curricular and boarding life
More about GIY

Art, Music
& Theatre

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Knowledge grounded in culture is an essential component of a good education. But it is even more essential to discover and develop one’s abilities, while focussing on individual cultivation and the free development of talents.

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Experimentation, creativity, craftsmanship, critique.

Culture is multifaceted, and we convey this to our students in artistic, musical and intellectual terms.

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We run two theatre groups in which young, creative artists can take on different roles. Director, playwright, actor – the concerns of each come into play. The Lyceum Alpinum is not only a pioneer among boarding schools in the academic disciplines but also in cultural, musical and artistic expression.

What we offer


Only those who are physically active can learn well and perform at their best.

The Lyceum Alpinum offers a range of many different sports programmes and is equipped with excellent tennis courts and sports fields. It offers students the opportunity to try out and advance in…

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laz front sports, cricket, volleyball, ice hockey, skiing, basketball, golf, yoga

and many other activities.

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The unique setting of the boarding school in the middle of the Swiss Alps makes such unique sports as alpine touring, kite surfing, ski touring, cross-country skiing or river rafting possible. 

The Lyceum Alpinum also takes part in competitions in Switzerland and enjoys success in tournaments with other boarding schools and schools around the world. Each student is coached in private to achieve their personal best.

See all sports options

Life at Boarding School

Our youngest students are accommodated in Spencer House, Chesa Crasta, the older students in Chesa Arpiglia, Chesa Urezza, Kleinhaus and Grosshaus.

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We attach great importance to the fact that our students feel at home in their boarding houses.

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Independence and personal responsibility are required, and these are particularly encouraged in our own kitchens and communal lounges.

Daily interaction and small day-to-day challenges help our students to develop their social skills. Girls and boys are accommodated in single or double rooms, which are furnished according to modern standards which are both comfortable and afford fantastic views. Our trained pastoral staff is always on hand to help boarding students – providing support to help resolve conflicts and providing guidance.

Accommodation in detail

Our Values

  • Respect & Openness
  • Inquiry & Critical Thinking
  • Responsibility & Engagement
  • Creativity & Balance

We create a lively, international school community. We provide a balanced intellectual, musical and physical education for our students. In the traditional Spirit of Zuoz, our students make friends for life and develop the ability to be global citizens in a changing world.

Moderne News Speisesaal laz-front-values-1

Traditional meets Modern

The mix between tradition and a progressive way of thinking characterises a good boarding school.

In the tradition of the school, core values such as dedication, self-discipline, perseverance, tolerance, openness and honesty are fundamental. A good boarding school is characterised by the marriage of heritage with progressive thinking. The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is both conscious of tradition and innovative. Founded in Switzerland in 1904, the Institut Engiadina” had 22 students in its founding year. It developed into an international school with a wide range of educational and sports activities. Today, our institute is one of the leading international boarding schools in Europe.

Fairness Schulalltag Cricket laz-front-values-2b

Respect and Fairness

The Lyceum Alpinum attaches great important to a respectful attitude in all areas of life. These qualities are important in school, sport and everyday life. Students learn from and with each other.

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Respect and tolerance in everyday life, as well as responsibility and helpfulness, are the cornerstones of a successful boarding school.

Students learn from and with each other. Healthy social interactions and emotional intelligence are indispensable in today’s world, and lead to a successful, but also a fulfilling and happy life. Every individual needs to feel valued and be individually recognised – but also understand responsibility and rules to be able to flourish and develop freely. Boarding schools, in particular, are called upon to form a strong community and provide a sense of family.

More about boarding
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Active Fun and Language Courses during the Holiday Camps

If you would like to make good use of your holidays to learn a new language, build on your existing knowledge and at the same time spend a fantastic time in the beautiful Engadine in the Swiss Alps, then this is the place for you. In summer, when the raging streams invite you to go rafting and exciting outdoor activities in nature are the order of the day, our international holiday camps are packed with fun and action.

Summer Camp

When language instruction meets sports, the outdoors, robotics and theatre activities, it can only be our Summer Camp in Switzerland.

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laz front camps summer

Learning a language the
«Summer Camp way»

– by listening and speaking it every day.

Feriencamps Zuoz Seipark laz-front-tiles-6

Participants learn German, English or French every year during the summer holidays and spend their free time in the breathtaking nature of the Engadine. Special highlights every year are the popular acting courses or river rafting tours.

Age group: 10 – 16 years

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Zuoz on the road –
we are coming to you.

Germany, Mexico, China, Italy, Colombia, Switzerland- Would you like to get to know our school and us a little better and get a first impression? Of course, we would like to make contact as easy as possible for you. Therefore, we attend events and education fairs personally. Our events are not in your area? Then do not hesitate to contact us for information. We will gladly try to take into account the wishes of parents and anyone interested in our school.

Next Event: Kaunas & Vilnius: 21. & 22.3.2025

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Meet us worldwide! Kaunas & Vilnius: 21. & 22.3.2025 Meet Admissions